Search Results
Arp's Evidence #1: The Connection between Active Galaxies, Jets, X-Ray Sources and Quasars
Halton Arp's Evidence Against Big Bang Theory - Wallace Thornhill
Arp's Evidence #5: Quantisation of Redshift EVERYWHERE Shows how WRONG we are about DISTANCES
Arp's Evidence #6: TOP 20 Pieces of EVIDENCE from Halton Arp: Quasars, Quantisation & More
Arp's Evidence #7: Can we explain the Quantisation of Redshift using Plasma Redshift?
Halton Arp's Evidence #8: Examining Gravitational Lenses & The Cosmic Web
Arp's Evidence #4: Is there EVIDENCE that Gravitational Lenses are EJECTIONS of Material from AGN?
Arp's Evidence #3: The VIRGO CLUSTER Shows Active Galaxy Formation Across Successive Generations
Arp's Evidence #2: The Redshift of Galaxies Shows a Hierarchy & How WRONG Redshift Distances are
"Seeing Red" by Halton Arp
Life and Death in Medieval Leith | ARP 2023
Halton Arp - Intrinsic Redshift Lecture